Nepal is the second largest countey after brazil in water resources. There are thousands of rivers in the country. Most of the big rivers in the country originates from the mountain and Middle hill. The river orginaring from the mauntains such as Arun, TamaKoshi, kaligandaki,Karnali, ans so on are snow fed rivers. These are perennial rivers.

The flow of the water in
the rives is originated from the middle hill
decreases in winter season. The rivers originating from the Churiya are
naot –perennial so they dry up in the winter. There are three most important
River system in Nepal; Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali. The Koshi is the longest
river of Nepal. It has Seven Tributaries namely Arun. Tamor, Sunkoshi,Dudkoshi,Likhu,
Tamakoshi, and Indrawati which drain the
estern reason of Nepal.
Gandaki lows in the central part of the Country. It has also seven
main tributaries namely Kali-Gandaki, Bhudi-Gandaki, Marsyangdi, Trishuli,
Seti, madi and Daraudi. Similarly,
Karnali flows in the western part of the Nepal and has its main tributaries as
Humla Karnali, Mugu Karnali, Bheri, Tila
and Seti.
Besides these main rivers there are many important rivers of
second and third order. Some of them are Mechi, Kamala, Bagmati, Rapti, Mahakali
and so on.
Beside Many river in Nepal,
It has not get most of its renewable natural resources like water. Production
of the electricity is Low. The history of hydro electricity started in 1911
with the development of th Pharping Hydropower plant. By 2009 Nepal produces
635 MW of electricity from both big and small hydroelectricity projects.
Among the major hydro
plants , Kaligandaki(144MW) , Marsyangdi(69MW), Kulekhani I(60MW), Kulekhani II(32MW),
Khimti(60MW), Bhotekoshi(36MW), Trisuli(21MW), Devghat are the important for
generating electricity in Nepal. Among the smaller hydro power project Seti(15KW),
Tatopani I & II(2000KW) , phewa(1088KW), Tinau, and namche are significant.
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