Medicinal plants are those which relieves us from different ailments, diseases, disorders or help to regulate the body function. Traditionally ancestors in Nepal are using these plants for curing diseases.Different parts of the medicinal plants like...
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016

SAARC and Nepal For Regional Cooperation
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of nations in South Asia. Its member states include Afghanistan, Bangladesh,Bhutan,India,Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Nepal has played an important role in SAARC since the beginning. In...
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Major Tourist areas In Nepal
Nepal is famous for trekking, mountaineering and cultural and wildlife tourism. About 85 % of tourist visit Nepal for the sake of pleasure and adventure. Areas in different part of the county has several places of...
Natural vegetation In Nepal
Various types of natural vegetation are found in Nepal. Land form, climate, soil type altitudes etc have brought this diversity in the pattern of the natural vegetation. The Distribution pattern of the natural vegetation is found...

Monsoon Climate In Nepal
About 80% rainfall occurs in Monsoon in Nepal, so that there is remarkable diference between average annual rainfall and the average monsoon rainfall. Like the pattern of annual rainfall, monsoon rainfall pattern also decrease from the...

Summers and Winters In Nepal
Summer remain hot and moist in Nepal in general. But the generalization of climatic condition is too difficult. Variation notices in place within the altitude and latitude. This variation is resulted by the physical diversities of...

Rivers and Hydropower Projects In Nepal
Nepal is the second largest countey after brazil in water resources. There are thousands of rivers in the country. Most of the big rivers in the country originates from the mountain and Middle hill. The river...

Airports In Nepal
Airports in Nepal plays a very important roles as it carries goods and services to and from places very quickly because of the tough Geographical structure. Air service in Nepal started after establishing Royal Nepal Airlines ...
National Parks in Nepal
Along with her natural beauty, Nepal is the country of cultural and biological diversity. Nepal has different types of conservation areas for the protection and management of the endangered species and other valuable mammals, flora and...
Mountains and Peaks in Nepal
Nepal is well known for its Himalayan Mountains. Among the fourteen highest peak in the world eight including the highest peak Mt. Everest lies in this country. Nothing on Earth Can beat the exhilaration of scaling...
Natural Beauty of Nepal
Nepal is very beautiful Country rich located in South Asia where Naturally formed amazing landscapes and mountain Range melt the heart of every travellers visiting them. Nepal is home to eight out of the fourteen highest...
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Physical and Physiological Description Of Nepal
Physically, Nepal has diverse and unique physical features. there are three major types of physical features in Nepal i.e the Mountain, the Hill and the Terai horizontally distributed from north to south. The Tarai belt is...